At Fishel Downey Albrecht & Riepenhoff LLC we believe that our strength in relationships goes beyond the attorney – client. We rely on the valuable support we receive day-in and day-out from the non-attorney staff members at FDAR.

We know it is a team effort to successfully meet and exceed the expectations of our clients. Therefore we have recruited and set-up an administrative staff team that allows us to collectively provide the very best in client services. With resourcefulness, professionalism and reliability at the core, our administrative team is dedicated to performing the necessary tasks that provide the utmost quality of legal, training and advisory services for our clients and to ensure that the firm is running in a highly efficient and productive manner.

Our Attorneys

Other Professionals

Angela M. Darden
Angela M. Darden
Ian Digalk
Ian Digalk
Erin M. Harty
Erin M. Harty
Kimberly K. Hopkins
Kimberly K. Hopkins
Laurie Mayle
Laurie Mayle
Lucinda Miller
Lucinda Miller
Mary C. Okin
Mary C. Okin